Road to Mainnet
Phase 3:
Lava is a modular network that makes it easy for blockchains to scale and optimize their data access. Developers and users reliably connect to chains using Lava.
Road to Mainnet Q1 2024
Planned for Q1 2024
Phase 3: Magma
Magma is where Lava transitions from onboarding providers to onboarding developers and users. Earn points for connecting to blockchains in your wallet, using Lava.
Phase 2
Phase 2 saw Lava's progression towards modularity, working directly with chains to become the access layer for web3.
Phase 1
Phase 1 saw the launch of Lava’s testnet. Lava also introduced Incentivized Public RPC on Evmos, Axelar & NEAR and grew to 250+ data providers serving APIs.
Introducing Specs
Specs are a modular primitive representing "API legos", and allow the Lava network of providers to extend to any API and chain, beyond RPC.
Subgraphs with Subsquid — coming soon

Frequently asked questions

What is Lava?

Lava is a modular data network for scaling access to any blockchain.

Anyone can add in-demand chains and APIs as modules to Lava, with each module being served by a network of node operators competing to offer the best service. RPC is the first service supported by the protocol and already helps developers unlock innovation across 30+ chains.

By leveraging modular architecture and a peer-to-peer network of node operators, Lava powers the universal and performant infrastructure layer for developers to build whatever, wherever.

Modules on Lava are called "specs". How do specs work?

A specification (“spec”) is like API lego which you can add to Lava to increase the range of APIs the network of providers can serve. 

If you love open-source projects and you’d like to contribute, you can define and add new APIs to Lava as a spec. If you’re a node runner and you’d like to serve API requests, you will run a spec as a Data Provider on Lava. 

If you’re a developer and you’d like to send API requests, whatever specs Lava supports is the same as whatever chains or APIs Lava supports

What is a Spec Champion?

A Champion is someone who builds and maintains specs on Lava.

You would work closely with our R&D team and actively monitor changelogs of the blockchain the spec is defined for, to ensure that your spec remains up to date. Spec Champions are compensated for their work.

We are looking for our first Champions to extend Lava beyond RPC. You can learn more and apply here.

What is Lava Phase 2?

In Phase 1, Lava built a fully decentralized tech stack that enabled peer-to-peer access to web3. In Phase 2, champions will be able to permissionlessly add modules for any RPC and chain to Lava. This aims to stress-test the network as we accelerate towards Mainnet.

When is Lava Mainnet planned?

Q1/Q2 2024.

How do I use Lava as a dapp builder?

Developers can already access RPC & APIs on 30+ chains through the SDK beta, the gateway UI and integrations with ethers.js, web3.js, cosm.js, viem etc. You can use our multi-chain SDK beta or gateway UI here. You can see the different SDK library integrations here. You can read our docs here.

How do I become a data provider on Lava?

If you’d like to run a node and serve RPC or subgraphs through Lava, you can onboard as a Data Provider with our guide here

How can I contribute to Lava?

Lava is an open source project and looking for both non-technical and technical users:

- Read our testnet guide:
- You can follow and support our journey on Twitter.
- You can try out the SDK or Gateway and provide feedback during our testnet. 
- You can extend Lava’s support to more chains and APIs by writing a “spec” (a JSON file) and proposing it to the DAO.
- You can give us product feedback by joining our Discord community or commenting on our research posts.